Property Details
Bréhal, in the village and about 5 km from the sea.
A village house close to amenities comprising:
On the ground floor:
-a living room
-a fitted and equipped kitchen with dining area,
-a storage room,
-a laundry room,
-a toilet,
On the 1st floor:
-an office,
-a bedroom,
-a toilet with sink,
-a bathroom,
On the 2nd floor:
-a mezzanine,
-two bedrooms,
-a boiler room,
-a cellar.
-land of about 265m²
-2 terraces.
Property tax: €667
Energy class: D (213) – Climate class: D (32)
Estimated amount of annual energy expenditure for standard use: between €1,807 and €2,445/year
Reference date for energy prices used to establish this estimate: 01/01/2021″**Fees charged to the seller
Outdoor Features

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