Chaos in France?
Recent News In France
France is certainly receiving bad press at the moment with strikes, football hooliganism and terrorism. Is this a place you would like to call home? Well, I say a resounding YES.
For me strikes are no problem, sometimes a little inconvenient but constant proof that the French will take matters in their own hands, they are passionate about anything they feel is unjust and this passion is what overflows into all aspects of their lives and is why so many of us love France so much. Their passion for good, quality food, honestly produced, for wonderful wines, for family life, for traditional values. Aren’t these the reasons that so many of us choose to live in France?
As for football hooliganism, it’s a short term problem but one that does highlight the fairly rough way that the police deal with any behaviour that is antisocial. You can argue that the policing is too heavy handed but at least they are there to protect the innocent bystanders.
And then there is terrorism and we may all have different views on what provoked the attacks on Paris and this week’s attack on a police officer and his wife but we have to accept that terrorism is part of all our lives these days. The reassurance for me that as France is a country so much larger than the UK and one can easily be a long way away from likely targets!
Without a doubt it is the vastness of the country that appeals to so many Brits who choose to live in France and the huge majority of them do choose a small town or rural way of life where all that we love about the country continues to flourish. Added to this the fact that nothing ever seems so bad when the sun shines and you have the reason why, despite the bad press France is getting, we find that UK buyers continue to head out to France.