Free Seminar
Healey Fox Seminar
Thinking about buying a property in France?
Uncertain, confused?
Bring your questions to the Healey Fox Seminar where our experts will discuss your plans and help provide the answers.
Places for our first FREE SEMINAR at 6.30pm on the 5th October are filling up fast but we still have room for six more people. The seminar will be held in the Healey Fox office at The Chapel, Wesley Road, off Reigate Road, Leatherhead, Surrey, KT22 8RA
We have a good line up of people to help you with all your questions about buying a property in France. The evening will be hosted by myself and I am pleased to announce that Brett Goulty from Pure FX will be with on hand to discuss your currency requirements and Trisha Mason, who has worked with French property for more than 30 years, will be ready to give you the benefit of her years of experience.
This seminar will provide a forum for you to meet the experts and other people who are embarking on the same adventure. We envisage that it will last for around 2 hours so if you can’t make 6.30 we are happy if you come along later and if you need to leave early that is also fine with us. We will be on hand throughout the evening to answer your questions about the viewing and buying process and to assist you in making the right decisions about location to suit your lifestyle, type of property to suit your needs, best way to make the most of exchange rates and all the smaller decisions that need to be made before you head out to France in search of the perfect home………And, of course, there will be a glass of wine and a few nibbles to get us all into the French way of being!
Please call me on 0207 096 0709 or email me info@healeyfox.com to reserve your place for what we are planning to be an informative and entertaining evening.