2016 Saw The Amalgamation Of Some Regions Of France
Amalgamation Of Some Regions
Now that 2016 is coming to a close we are slowly getting used to the new names that the combination of some regions has caused. At Healey Fox we are continuing to use the old names on our web site for a little longer while people get used to the new. Needless to say, we are happy to talk in terms of the new names when we chat with you!
So, a little refresher for those of you who are still getting used to the changes:
Champagne and Ardenne are now called Grand-Est.
Aquitaine, Limousin and Poitou-Charente are now called Nouvelle Aquitaine.
Auvergne and Rhône Alpes are combined under this new name.
Bourgogne and France-Comté are combined under this new name.
Languedoc-Rousillon and Midi-Pyrénées are now called Occitaine.
Nord,Pas-de-Calais and Picardie are now called Hauts-de-France.
Basse Normandie and Haute Normandie are now called Normandie.