Compromise – The Word No French Property Buyer Wants To Hear
Where Property Buyers Should Compromise When Buying a French Property
When it comes to property hunting anywhere in the world almost every estate agent will tell you that buyers will end up having to make compromises. When people search for French property for sale we always advise them to prepare their ‘wish list’ under two headings:
- Those things that are essential when they buy a French property, these being the matters over which they are not prepared to comprise on however many French houses for sale that they see.
- Those things on which they would consider compromising if they found a house that suited them in many ways.
Whatever your property budget it really is unrealistic to think that you will find a French property for sale that meets every single requirement you may have on your ‘essential list’. It is only those with very short lists who may be lucky in this regard. So we thought it might be useful to look at requirements that are often stated by our clients as being essential to see if they are always, or ever, realistic!
An Old, Detached, Character House On The Edge Of A Village
It is obvious why anyone looking to buy a French property would think this an ideal location. Plenty of open space all around and a short walk to the boulangerie, bar and other shops.
However, the old character houses are always in the centre of the village and as the village grew newer houses were added to the outskirts. Only in exceptional cases can this requirement be met so property hunters with this requirement may need to choose between location and character.
A small village house with a garden
This is another popular request but one which is hard to satisfy. Small French medieval towns and villages built houses nestled together, after all their occupants were likely to be spending all day out working in the fields so why would they want a garden to look after when they came home? A small courtyard to hang out washing is what most villages houses have. In the south of France where new, usually foreign, occupants want to enjoy breakfast in the sun and to watch the sun go down in the evening, many houses now have roof terraces. So, if you are looking for a small, inexpensive village house don’t focus on the need for a garden. Be flexible about the outdoor space and you will probably find a delightful house at a really good price and you will integrate quickly into the local community as you are likely to find yourself spending time in the local café enjoying your coffee or Pastis beginning to get to know your neighbours.
A house with a view
Many people ask for a view when they describe the ideal French property. A view can mean different things to different people. Some people want to enjoy looking over a jumble of terracotta rooftops, others want to overlook rolling meadows and other want to see mountains in the distance. However, whatever view you want it is not that easy to find a house with the right view to suit you all over France so you need to think carefully about the view you want and the kind of area that can supply it. It is also wise not to limit yourself too much to the need for a view. Most French property is in more rural locations that we are used to in much of the U.K. so it is often only those properties with really stunning views that get their view mentioned in descriptions. Lovely houses, surrounded by fields and woods often don’t get their wonderful open view mentioned!
As you compile your ‘wish list’ why not have an informal chat with us?
Tel: 01306 775 008
We are always happy to share our knowledge and experience with anyone interested in buying French property.
Once you have your ‘wish list’ in front of you do check out the special French properties chosen by our French estate agent partners. You can search for views, village house, character, courtyard etc. etc…Search Our French Property For Sale