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Category Archives: French Property Blog

Where I Would Like To Spend Christmas

Dec 22, 2016
Christmas, where to spend the holidays? It’s no good pretending…… when Christmas gets near my lon ...
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2016 Saw The Amalgamation Of Some Regions Of...

Dec 21, 2016
Amalgamation Of Some Regions Now that 2016 is coming to a close we are slowly getting used to the new names that th ...
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Why Buy In France?

Nov 30, 2016
Some interesting facts from 2015 The largest group of UK buyers of French property were aged 55-64. So, why did 41% ...
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The British Desire For A Home In France Cont...

Nov 23, 2016
France is notoriously late at getting statistics out but when they are finally published they always make interesti ...
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Where The British Choose To Buy

Nov 23, 2016
Popular Areas Brits Buy In France Using statistics by BNP (French Bank) and Rightmove and adding our experience of ...
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Is Brexit Driving People To France?

Oct 26, 2016
Buying Property In France To Beat The Issuing Of Article 50 Over the past couple of weeks, I have had several inter ...
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Winter Viewing Trips

Oct 26, 2016
Winter In France, Ideal For Viewings Many people decide to go searching for a home in France in the spring or summe ...
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Seminar Success

Oct 07, 2016
Healey Fox’s Free Seminar In Surrey Yesterday evening at Healey Fox we ran our first FREE seminar in our offi ...
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How To Save 5% On The Price Of Your House

Sep 30, 2016
Save 5% On Your French Property Something that many people don’t know is that by careful buying of currency n ...
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Free Seminar

Sep 21, 2016
Healey Fox Seminar Thinking about buying a property in France? Uncertain, confused? Bring your questions to the Hea ...
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Live Like Royalty In The Centre Of France

Sep 06, 2016
Properties In The Golden Triangle At Healey Fox we have concentrated our selection of properties in what we believe ...
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French Property Buyers Are Cheered By The Ar...

Jul 12, 2016
A ‘soft Brexit’ with Theresa May at the helm Despite all my expectations, interest from potential buyer ...
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